Behavioral Health

At MDwise, we aim to help our members access the care they need.  Our goal is to make it easier for our behavioral health practitioners to help our members in areas of mental and physical health, life stressors, substance use and interpersonal relationships.  Below you can find tools developed based upon the needs of our members and for ease of use.

Provider Connections

MDwise Health Service, Medical & Behavioral Health Prior Authorization

Phone & Fax Authorization Requests               Portal Authorization Requests
Phone: 1-888-961-3100                                        Provider Authorization Portal
Main Fax: 1-888-465-5581
Inpatient Fax: 1-866-613-1631                             E-Mail Inquiry:
Outpatient Fax: 1-866-613-1642

Provider Integrated Care Collaboration

MDwise strives to provide comprehensive and holistic healthcare to our members with an integrated approach of interconnectedness of physical and mental health. The goal is to improve member outcomes, by addressing both physical and mental health issues collaboratively in a coordinated approach.

Behavioral Health Member Resources