Communication of Personal Health Information Use and Disclosure

Details about your health are personal. MDwise does all we can to protect your privacy. We make sure your health records and personal information about you are kept safe. Only staff who need to see your files to help you can get them.  Even then, our staff signs statements promising not to share information about you. Our doctors follow these rules, too.

If other people ask us for your records, you must give written permission first. The only time we do not check with you first is when someone has a need and a right to see the files. That’s determined by law.

We often review the way we keep your information safe. We want you to have good care and peace of mind. Our privacy policy is in your member handbook starting on page 62. The most recent version is also online here: MDwise Member Handbook.

You can have a copy of our general privacy policy mailed to you. Call MDwise customer service at 1-800-356-1204, if you’d like a copy.