MemberConnect Newsletter

The Member Connect newsletter is for members of MDwise’s Healthy Indiana Plan (HIP) and Hoosier Healthwise Medicaid health plans. It is emailed four times each year and contains updates about your health plan and tips for healthy living.

Newsletter Archives


Call MDwise customer service at 1-800-356-1204

Your MDwise Health Plan
  • Important Information in Your MDwise Member Handbook
    Important Information in Your MDwise Member Handbook

    There is important information in your Hoosier Healthwise and Healthy Indiana Plan member handbook. The most up-to-date version can be found at . It includes: Your Rights and Responsibilities MDwise provides access to medical care for all its members. We do not discriminate based on your religion, race, national origin, color, ancestry, handicap, sex, sexual preference or age. Hoosier Healthwise and HIP Member Benefits and Services The complete list of benefits and services, including what is...

  • Empowering Women’s Health
    Empowering Women’s Health

    Women not only play a key role in our communities but also their own well-being. Regular health check-ups are a vital part of a healthy life. Let’s empower the women around us to take charge of their health and schedule their regular visits to their healthcare provider today. Routine check-ups are not just about addressing existing health issues; they are also crucial for preventing potential problems and maintaining overall well-being. These check-ups provide an opportunity to discuss any changes, rece...

  • Preventive Care for Children and Adults
    Preventive Care for Children and Adults

    Did you know that adults need routine check-ups too? Just like children, adults should have a check-up at least once a year with their primary doctor. To stay healthy, you need to see your primary doctor so they can check for possible early signs of disease. Your primary doctor knows your health history and family history. This helps them know what diseases you are more likely to have. There are different types of cancer, diabetes and heart tests your doctor can do to make sure you stay healthy. Be sure...

  • MDwise Earns NCQA Health Equity Accreditation
    MDwise Earns NCQA Health Equity Accreditation

    The National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) is a non-profit organization that works to improve health care quality in the United States. NCQA is nationally accepted as a leader in measuring quality and equity in health care. MDwise understands how critical it is for families in Indiana to have a fair opportunity to live quality, healthy lives. We are proud to announce that MDwise has earned NCQA Health Equity Accreditation. This recognition highlights our commitment to delivering high-quality, e...

  • Population Health Management
    Population Health Management

    MDwise wants to help you stay healthy. MDwise members may be eligible for Population Health Management services through the care management department. Population Health Management is a way we try to help you live a healthier quality of life. MDwise can support your health by phone or in-person visits, through education materials or by texts to help you manage your wellness. The MDwise care management program can help you manage your health conditions. MDwise care managers help you and your doctor plan ...

  • Transition to Adult Care
    Transition to Adult Care

    As your child gets older, help them keep track of their health. Parents schedule doctor visits, fill out paperwork and take care of insurance. You will also need to help your child do this as they become an adult. This includes finding an adult doctor. If your child sees a family medicine doctor, you still need to teach your child to take care of their health. This new time of life can be hard. MDwise is here to help. Here are some tips: Young adults should change to an adult doctor between 18 to 21 yea...

  • Well Child Visits and Routine Immunizations
    Well Child Visits and Routine Immunizations

    Most parents know that their children need regular check-ups with their primary care doctor. Your child’s doctor will make sure that your child is safe, healthy and growing well. The doctor will want to know about any diseases that run in the family. Your doctor will give you things you need to know to keep your child healthy. You will be asked many questions about your child, so be ready. The doctor will want to know about how well your child sleeps and eats for example. As your children get older, the...

  • Where Can I Find More Information About My Pharmacy Benefits?
    Where Can I Find More Information About My Pharmacy Benefits?

    For more information about your pharmacy benefits, you can see the latest Hoosier Healthwise and Healthy Indiana Plan (HIP) member handbook on our website. For HIP members, visit us at HIP Pharmacy Benefits For Hoosier Healthwise members, visit us at HHW Pharmacy Benefits . The member handbook includes pharmacy benefit information and the following: Your rights and responsibilities as an MDwise member. Member benefits and services. Information on new health technology.

  • Know Who to Call When You Have a Question
    Know Who to Call When You Have a Question

    Call MDwise if: You need to change your or your child’s doctor. MDwise can help find doctors close to you. You have a problem getting in to see your doctor. You do not think your doctor is doing a good job. You want to learn more about Hoosier Healthwise or HIP benefits. You lose your member ID card or need a replacement. You change your address or phone number. For questions, call MDwise customer service at 1-800-356-1204. We can provide language services or an interpreter if needed. Visit FSSA’s Benef...

  • Member Advisory Committee Meetings
    Member Advisory Committee Meetings

    The MAC goal is to get feedback on the health plan to improve services, answer questions and share information about MDwise programs. You will get a $25 gift card after the end of the meeting within five days. Join us for the next MDwise Member Advisory Committee (MAC) virtual meeting at 10:00 a.m. June 16. Join on your computer, tablet or by phone. To register for this virtual event, Register Here or call 888-788-0099 (toll free). The webinar ID is 841 6037 8684. There are also in-person MAC meetings h...

Benefits Beyond Health Insurance
  • NURSEon-call

    MDwise would like to remind members that they have access to a Registered Nurse 24/7 by calling our toll-free Customer Service Line at 1-800-356-1204. Members can select option #1, then option #4. In addition to providing access to a Registered Nurse and triage, members can also access an audio library with over 100 topics.

  • SMOKE-free

    Have you been wanting or trying to quit smoking, vaping or using tobacco? By quitting you are making positive steps towards a healthier life. Quitting is not easy, so do not give up, because with determination and support it is possible. It is never too late to quit and there are resources available to help you.

  • SMOKE-free

    Have you been wanting or trying to quit smoking, vaping or using tobacco? By quitting you are making positive steps towards a healthier life. Quitting is not easy, so do not give up, because with determination and support it is possible. It is never too late to quit and there are resources available to help you.

  • WEIGHTwise

    MDwise's WEIGHTwise program offers tracking tools, calculators, and other resources to help you control your weight.

Steps to Wellness
  • WEIGHTwise: Good Nutrition Starts Early
    WEIGHTwise: Good Nutrition Starts Early

    Children need fruits and vegetables daily for healthy growth and brain development. Early eating experiences can also affect how we eat as we get older. This is why it is so important to introduce young children to healthy foods, including a variety of fruits and vegetables. Fruits and Vegetables To help children grow strong, include fruit and vegetables with meals and snacks. Fresh, frozen or canned options are all okay. With canned vegetables, look for products with low sodium. With canned or frozen f...

  • Diabetes

    Caring for yourself or someone you know with diabetes can be challenging. Understanding diabetes will help you understand the treatments that are recommended.  You will learn how to manage your blood sugar, also called glucose. You’ll also learn how diet and exercise affect your glucose levels. Risk factors for diabetes include family history, weight, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and lack of exercise. Some groups of people including African Americans, Hispanic Americans and Native American...

  • Make Sickle Cell Disease a Part of the Conversation With Your Doctor
    Make Sickle Cell Disease a Part of the Conversation With Your Doctor

    By MDwise Chief Medical Director Jeffrey Wheeler, M.D., MDwise Equity Officer Anye Carson Sickle Cell Disease (SCD) can cause debilitating pain and can shorten a person’s life by 20 years or more. SCD is passed from parent to child. A mother or father can inherit the gene causing SCD (this is called “being a carrier”) and have no signs of SCD.  If that person has a child with another carrier of that gene, the baby may be born with SCD.  Sickle Cell Disease causes red blood cells to t...

  • Have you been told that you have COPD or Emphysema?
    Have you been told that you have COPD or Emphysema?

    By Dr. Jeffrey Wheeler, MDwise Chief Medical Director What is COPD? COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease), often referred to as “emphysema” and “chronic bronchitis”,  is a common breathing problem.  COPD is caused by scarring and damage to your lung. Smoking is the most common cause of this damage. People with these problems may have a cough that is regular or comes and goes, shortness of breath that comes and goes or both. Sometimes people notice a wheezing sound, but this does not hap...

  • Managing Allergies and Asthma
    Managing Allergies and Asthma

    When you have allergies, your body's defense system (immune system) reacts to certain things that are in the air you breathe or that you touch, like dust or pollen. These things are called allergens and they can trigger an allergic reaction. If you have allergy symptoms, your doctor may do a skin test to find the cause. To do this test, your doctor puts some possible allergens on your skin to see which ones cause a bump. This shows what you are allergic to. There is no cure for allergies. But you can ma...

  • Community Engagement at MDwise
    Community Engagement at MDwise

    Community Engagement plays an important role in creating a strong connection with our MDwise members. Our community engagement specialists work to host and attend various events and discussions throughout Indiana. This involvement allows us to: understand the diverse needs and concerns of our members and all Hoosiers. build trust and transparency with our communities. empower our members to take control of their health and wellness. create a network of community partners. enhance the overall experience ...

  • Teen Relationships and Mental Health
    Teen Relationships and Mental Health

    Studies show approximately 10% of adolescents report being the victim of physical violence by an intimate partner. Teens in abusive relationships struggle with long-term behavioral and health concerns. They bring unhealthy patterns into future relationships. MDwise wants to raise awareness and promote safe, healthy relationships. TEENconnect is a resource for teens to find health information including resources to learn about healthy relationships. There are a lot of things you can learn on TEENconnect ...

  • Advance Directives
    Advance Directives

    Having an advance directive means that you have written down your wishes about medical treatment. This information can help others know what to do if you can no longer speak for yourself. A living will and a durable power of attorney for health care are the two main types of advance directives. What do advance directives cover? An advance directive may be important if you cannot communicate. This could happen if you are badly hurt or have a serious illness. Without a living will and a health care agent,...

  • MDwise Helps Members Manage Their Health
    MDwise Helps Members Manage Their Health

    MDwise has special programs for members with certain health conditions. We call these programs INcontrol. These special programs are for: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). Asthma. Diabetes. Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) High blood pressure. Depression. Congestive Heart Failure (CHF). Autism spectrum disorders. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Chronic kidney disease. Sickle Cell Disease. Smoking and tobacco use. Pregnancy (BLUEBELLEbeginn...

  • Breastfeeding

    Breast milk is a great source of nutrition for your baby. The  American Academy of Pediatrics  and the  World Health Organization recommend exclusive breastfeeding for about the first 6 months and continued breastfeeding with complementary foods up to 2 years or longer. Breastfeeding is good for both you and your baby. Breast milk is the best source of nutrition for most babies. As your baby grows, your breast milk will change to meet his or her nutritional needs. Breastfeeding can also h...

MDWise is Always Open for Answers

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  • What Your Plan Covers
  • HELPLink for Referrals to Services
  • Pharmacy Benefits
  • myMDWise Portal
  • And More!