Studies show approximately 10% of adolescents report being the victim of physical violence by an intimate partner. Teens in abusive relationships struggle with long-term behavioral and health concerns. They bring unhealthy patterns into future relationships. MDwise wants to raise awareness and promote safe, healthy relationships. TEENconnect is a resource for teens to find health information including resources to learn about healthy relationships. There are a lot of things you can learn on TEENconnect. You can explore and read cool articles, and even play interactive games. TEENconnect | MDwise.
We encourage you to take some time out and learn to practice self-care. Self-care is just looking after yourself, your mind and your body. Self-care means you are making yourself the priority. Here are some (but there are so many other things you can do) helpful ways to practice self-care:
- Meditation
- Journal your thoughts and feelings
- Listen to music or podcast that you enjoy
- Eat your favorite foods
- Get enough sleep
- Ask for help if needed
Resources and References:
MDwise Care Management – call 1-800-356-1204 from 8am to 8pm EST, Monday through Friday
National Teen Dating Abuse Helpline: 24/7 phone service at 866-331-9474 you will be connected to an advocate who is trained to offer support and education.
Healthy relationships for young adults | love is respect
Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Month |