Get Involved with Health Equity Council

Please consider becoming a member of MDwise’s Health Equity Council! The Health Equity Council is a group of individuals that includes MDwise staff, community leaders and MDwise members like yourself. The council discusses resources and support for traditionally underserved members facing unique challenges receiving healthcare services. Also, as part of the council, you will have the chance to improve health equity for people across the state of Indiana. This means that everyone can have a fair chance to reach their healthiest self. The council focuses on several factors that affect people’s ability to receive healthcare services including income level, education level, access to food and access to affordable housing.

If you would like to join MDwise’s Health Equity Council, please email or call 1-800-356-1204 to discuss.

Joining MDwise’s Health Equity Council – What to Expect

  • Meeting attendance; quarterly, e.g. 4 meetings per year. Meetings are typically held virtually.
  • Help MDwise find and address gaps in care as they relate to minority and social groups.
  • Give feedback to MDwise that helps improve health equity, diversity and engagement of our members.
  • Help MDwise create a health equity plan.