Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), is the sudden death of a baby younger than one year of age where no known cause of death is found even after an investigation. It's important to note that when a baby unexpectedly passes away, SIDS is not always the cause. Other causes such as injuries or accidents are known as Sudden Unexpected Infant Death (SUID).

 There are several risk factors for SIDS that members should be aware of. These factors include:

  • Sleep position.
  • Birth-related factors.
  • Prenatal/pregnancy factors.
  • Race/ethnicity.
  • Sleep area/surface.
  • Temperature.
  • Human milk.
  • Immunizations.
  • Illness.
  • Pacifiers during sleep.
  • Sleep location.
  • Bed sharing/sharing a sleep surface.

 Learn more about these risk factors and how to lower the risk of SIDS. Visit the National Institutes of Health Safe Sleep page at