The ACP is Winding Down
The Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) stopped accepting new applications and enrollments on February 7, 2024. The last fully funded month of the program is April 2024.
- All ACP households enrolled at the time of the enrollment freeze, February 7, 2024, at 11:59 PM ET, will be able to remain enrolled through the final month of ACP service if they are not required to be de-enrolled under FCC rules.
- Households that are de-enrolled from the program, such as for failure to use their ACP-supported service, will not be able to re-apply or re-enroll in the ACP during the enrollment freeze.
ACP enrolled households are strongly encouraged to carefully review written notices from their internet company and from the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC), the ACP administrator, about the ACP wind-down.
Households are also encouraged to consult their internet company to learn more about how the end of the ACP will impact their internet service and bill.
For more updates about the ACP Wind Down, refer to and
HELPlink Can Help You Find Low-Cost Internet Service
Many internet providers across Indiana offer low-cost internet programs. MDwise members could qualify for these low-cost options. To find these programs in your area, visit HELPlink at
Start by entering your zip code into the site. Then enter the word “internet” into the search box.

The results will show which companies offer low-cost internet services and links to find out who is eligible.
HELPlink offers help on other things you need. Search for programs to help with food, education, housing, jobs and more, close to home.
If you do not have access to the internet, call customer service at 800-356-1204.