MemberConnect Newsletter

The Member Connect newsletter is for members of MDwise’s Healthy Indiana Plan (HIP) and Hoosier Healthwise Medicaid health plans. It is emailed four times each year and contains updates about your health plan and tips for healthy living.

Newsletter Archives


Call MDwise customer service at 1-800-356-1204

Your MDwise Health Plan
  • Empowering Women’s Health
    Empowering Women’s Health

    Women not only play a key role in our communities but also their own well-being. Regular health check-ups are a vital part of a healthy life. Let’s empower the women around us to take charge of their health and schedule their regular visits to their healthcare provider today. Routine check-ups are not just about addressing existing health issues; they are also crucial for preventing potential problems and maintaining overall well-being. These check-ups provide an opportunity to discuss any changes, rece...

  • Population Health Management
    Population Health Management

    MDwise wants to help you stay healthy. MDwise members may be eligible for Population Health Management services through the care management department. Population Health Management is a way we try to help you live a healthier quality of life. MDwise can support your health by phone or in-person visits, through education materials or by texts to help you manage your wellness. The MDwise care management program can help you manage your health conditions. MDwise care managers help you and your doctor plan ...

  • Member Advisory Committee Meetings
    Member Advisory Committee Meetings

    The MAC goal is to get feedback on the health plan to improve services, answer questions and share information about MDwise programs. You will get a $25 gift card after the end of the meeting within five days. Join us for the next MDwise Member Advisory Committee (MAC) virtual meeting at 10:00 a.m. June 16. Join on your computer, tablet or by phone. To register for this virtual event, Register Here or call 888-788-0099 (toll free). The webinar ID is 841 6037 8684. There are also in-person MAC meetings h...

  • Communication of Personal Health Information Use and Disclosure

    Details about your health are personal. MDwise does all we can to protect your privacy. We make sure your health records and personal information about you are kept safe. Only staff who need to see your files to help you can get them.  Even then, our staff signs statements promising not to share information about you. Our doctors follow these rules, too. If other people ask us for your records, you must give written permission first. The only time we do not check with you first is when someone has ...

  • Does MDwise Have Your Current Contact Information?

    Please call MDwise customer service at 1-800-356-1204 to update your contact information. Please call if you have recently moved or changed phone numbers. Your contact information may be your: Home phone number. Cell phone number. Mailing address. Email address. It is also important that you contact your Division of Family Resources. You don’t want to miss out on updates for other possible benefits.

  • MDwise Quality Improvement Program Overview

    MDwise is committed to improving our member health outcomes through ongoing quality improvement efforts. MDwise creates and maintains the MDwise Quality Improvement (QI) Program. This program improves the physical and mental health care of our members. Our annual QI work plan, policies and procedures guide the completion of our QI program initiatives. The MDwise QI Program must follow standards set by the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) and the Office of Medicaid Policy and Planning (OMP...

  • Did You Know we have Language Assistance Available?

    We wanted to let you know about some important information from our MDwise Health Plan. Every year, we send out a notice in English and in up to 15 languages that are spoken by at least one percent of the individuals we serve, or by 200 people, whichever is less. This notice is to inform you that we offer free language assistance and we want to make sure you know how to access it. Understanding the health information you receive from MDwise is crucial, and we want to make it as easy as possible for you....

  • Second Opinions

    It is important for you to feel that you made the right choices about your health. There might be times when you are not happy with your doctor’s opinion or treatment recommendations. You can ask for a second opinion by visiting another doctor in the MDwise network. Questions about getting a second opinion? Call MDwise customer service at 1-800-356-1204 if you need help.

Benefits Beyond Health Insurance
  • NURSEon-call

    MDwise would like to remind members that they have access to a Registered Nurse 24/7 by calling our toll-free Customer Service Line at 1-800-356-1204. Members can select option #1, then option #4. In addition to providing access to a Registered Nurse and triage, members can also access an audio library with over 100 topics.

  • SMOKE-free

    Have you been wanting or trying to quit smoking, vaping or using tobacco? By quitting you are making positive steps towards a healthier life. Quitting is not easy, so do not give up, because with determination and support it is possible. It is never too late to quit and there are resources available to help you.

  • myMDwise Member Portal
    myMDwise Member Portal

    Visit the member portal, myMDwise , at to learn more about your plan. On the portal, you can sign up to get more information about your coverage and claims. You can also call MDwise customer service at 1-800-356-1204 if you have questions about your benefits.


    MDwiseREWARDS is a rewards program for every MDwise member. You don’t have to sign up to earn dollars. You are automatically enrolled. Earn dollars for a variety of activities, like going to your doctor appointments. Then shop for gift cards with your dollars. Visit the MDwiseREWARDS page to learn more.

Steps to Wellness
  • WEIGHTwise: Good Nutrition Starts Early
    WEIGHTwise: Good Nutrition Starts Early

    Children need fruits and vegetables daily for healthy growth and brain development. Early eating experiences can also affect how we eat as we get older. This is why it is so important to introduce young children to healthy foods, including a variety of fruits and vegetables. Fruits and Vegetables To help children grow strong, include fruit and vegetables with meals and snacks. Fresh, frozen or canned options are all okay. With canned vegetables, look for products with low sodium. With canned or frozen f...

  • Community Engagement at MDwise
    Community Engagement at MDwise

    Community Engagement plays an important role in creating a strong connection with our MDwise members. Our community engagement specialists work to host and attend various events and discussions throughout Indiana. This involvement allows us to: understand the diverse needs and concerns of our members and all Hoosiers. build trust and transparency with our communities. empower our members to take control of their health and wellness. create a network of community partners. enhance the overall experience ...

  • Teen Relationships and Mental Health
    Teen Relationships and Mental Health

    Studies show approximately 10% of adolescents report being the victim of physical violence by an intimate partner. Teens in abusive relationships struggle with long-term behavioral and health concerns. They bring unhealthy patterns into future relationships. MDwise wants to raise awareness and promote safe, healthy relationships. TEENconnect is a resource for teens to find health information including resources to learn about healthy relationships. There are a lot of things you can learn on TEENconnect ...

  • Get Involved with Health Equity Council
    Get Involved with Health Equity Council

    Please consider becoming a member of MDwise’s Health Equity Council! The Health Equity Council is a group of individuals that includes MDwise staff, community leaders and MDwise members like yourself. The council discusses resources and support for traditionally underserved members facing unique challenges receiving healthcare services. Also, as part of the council, you will have the chance to improve health equity for people across the state of Indiana. This means that everyone can have a fair chance t...

  • Behavioral Health: Problem Drinking
    Behavioral Health: Problem Drinking

    It’s not always easy to see when your drinking has crossed the line from moderate or social use to problem drinking. If you drink alcohol to cope with problems or to avoid feeling bad, you may have a problem with alcohol. Alcohol abuse can sneak up on you. It’s important to know the warning signs. Signs of at-risk drinking include: Feeling guilty or ashamed about your drinking. Lying to others or hiding your drinking habits. Having friends or family members who are worried about your drinking. Needing t...

  • RECOVERYwise for Early Sobriety
    RECOVERYwise for Early Sobriety

    MDwise is excited to announce our new program for our members in early sobriety called RECOVERYwise . If you are seeking housing at a recovery home, RECOVERYwise is available to help. A recovery home is a live-in setting free of alcohol and drugs. The homes are for people in early sobriety where they begin and practice healthy routines. Through the RECOVERYwise program, MDwise help with some of the housing costs for our members seeking housing assistance at recovery homes. A recovery home works best for...

  • SNAP Indiana
    SNAP Indiana

    The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program or SNAP provides food assistance to low- and no-income people and families. It is a federal program administered by the Food and Nutrition Service of the U.S. Department of Agriculture; however, benefits are disbursed at the state level. In Indiana, the Family and Social Services Administration (FSSA) is responsible proper distribution in each county. Benefits are provided on an electronic card that is used like an ATM card and is accepted at most grocery st...

  • HELPlink Can Help You Find Low-Cost Internet Service
    HELPlink Can Help You Find Low-Cost Internet Service

    Many internet providers across Indiana offer low-cost internet programs. MDwise members could qualify for these low-cost options. To find these programs in your area, visit HELPlink at . Start by entering your zip code into the site. Then enter the word “internet” into the search box. The results will show which companies offer low-cost internet services and links to find out who is eligible. HELPlink offers help on other things you need. Search for programs to help with food, educati...

MDWise is Always Open for Answers

  • Find a Provider
  • What Your Plan Covers
  • HELPLink for Referrals to Services
  • Pharmacy Benefits
  • myMDWise Portal
  • And More!